Young Theatre Makers 2023: Showcase & Discussion

Learning & Participation

Young Theatre Makers is a bilingual educational programme that focuses primarily on analysing and understanding a play to develop students’ critical thinking. During the in-school and joint-school training, we focus on the process for students to analyse the scripts, connect to their own experiences, reflect and discuss the themes of the plays. In the Showcase & Discussion in July, students performed excerpts of selected plays on stage, followed by in-depth discussions of comingofage issues.

Showcases and Discussion
Hours of Training and Rehearsal
Secondary Students and Teachers
Participating Secondary Schools
Audience Members

During this programme, I observed the transformation in my students, not just in gaining valuable experiences but also in their sense of responsibility. I deeply appreciate their willingness to share their thoughts, because there are no model answers. Every one of their ideas is valuable.

Miss Amy Ho
Ma On Shan St. Joseph’s Secondary School

While we are only allowed to sit and listen to the teacher at school, this programme allows us to express our opinions and try new things that we would not be able to do in class.

Yu Yat Hei Hugo
Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

I was quite reluctant to express my opinions because I was afraid of making mistakes. The play explores the relationship between grown-ups and teenagers, which was really relevant for me and encouraged me to share my thoughts. Meanwhile, I found out that different people of different ages can have entirely different perspectives to the same subject matter. This has made me think from multiple perspectives when I encounter a problem.

Ng Hay Tung Haylie
Ma On Shan St. Joseph’s Secondary School