AFTEC launched four cohorts of Bravo! Hong Kong Youth Theatre Awards (Bravo!) from 2013 to 2020, sponsored by and in strategic partnership with the Lee Hysan Foundation. The programme provided life education through acting and theatre, focusing on cultivating young people’s attitudes and life skills. Some graduates did not choose to pursue a career as professional actors, but the skills they had acquired from Bravo! continue to be useful for them in diverse industries. Curated and produced primarily by Bravo! 2015 – 16 graduate Kaja Chan, Beyond Bravo is a documentary that explores the impact that Bravo!, or theatre training has had on some of the graduates.
Beyond Bravo
Creating Change

Bravo! graduates involved in production or interviewedDrama training is like planting seeds in each person’s soul, which shows in each person’s behaviour and way of thinking, shaping and improving them as they grow.
Kaja Chan
Bravo! 2015 – 16 Graduate
Throughout our training, we were given daily reflection sheets and asked to examine the challenges we faced that day. I think that this is one of the things that Bravo! has taught me that I’ve internalised. It’s now like a default setting.
Dickson Lau
Bravo! 2015 – 16 Graduate